



A job offer is a piece of paper that contains information about job openings at that company.
In Japan, when you are looking for a job, you will always look at a company's job posting or job summary and apply to the company.
Let's learn how to read them.









Company Information: Information about the company.

Company Name.
Name of the company

The date the company was established.

The date the company was founded.
The total amount of shares.
Capital is an indicator of the size of a company.

Number of employees
: The number of people working in a company. In some cases, full-time and part-time/part-time employees are written separately. In some cases, the number of people working in the entire group company is written separately.

Basically, it is the address of the head office. Please be sure to check your work location with the employment information as it may be different from your work location.

Business Description
: It's the business of the company. It's a part directly related to your work. Make sure you understand it well.











Careers: information about the job.

■ Job title.
The name of the job. For example, engineer, sales, accounting, etc.

Job Description.
Job Description : This is a specific job description.
If you can't understand the job description on the job slip, please confirm it at the interview.

Work Location
: The place to work.

■ Salary.
The money you receive from the company is called "face value".
However, what is written on the job slip is called "face value", and taxes and insurance premiums will be deducted from the face value, so you will receive a slightly lower "take-home" amount.

Working hours
Working hours.
In Japan, most companies work from 9:00am to 6:00pm with a one hour break.

Various allowances
However, if the job description says "various allowances", they are often separate from the above mentioned salary. For example, "commuting allowance" and "overtime allowance".
Even if your salary is low, you may get more money from the company if you get the overtime allowance separately. On the other hand, even if your salary is high, there are companies that include overtime allowance as deemed overtime. (e.g. 40 hours of overtime is already included in the monthly salary.

We offer a wide range of benefits, including: days off, weekends and holidays, 2 days off, and 6 days off per month.

Welfare and Insurance
Many companies provide full social insurance (health, pension, employment, and workers' compensation).