
The way of working and work culture is very different in each country.
If you don't understand these differences, you will get confused when you work in a foreign country.
When you first start working in Japan, it is important to know the characteristics of the working style in Japan.
There are 4 main characteristics of Japanese companies.
They are "batch hiring for new graduates/potential hiring," "job rotation," "seniority-based system," and "lifetime employment".
Nowadays, the seniority system and lifetime employment are changing, and there are many companies that do not employ them.
However, in comparison to these two types of employment, there are many companies that are employing new graduates, potential employees, and job rotation.
We will look at each of these in detail in the next section.
In Japan, companies have two main hiring categories: new graduates and experienced personnel.
They are "new graduates" and "experienced hires".
Experienced hiring" is for people who have changed jobs, but most people's first job opportunity starts with "new graduates".
In experienced hiring, as in many countries, you are judged and hired based on your work experience, skills and techniques.
However, with the exception of a few jobs, new graduates are not selected on the basis of previous work experience (e.g., part-time work or internship), skills and techniques. Of course, engineers at manufacturers are different. However, for IT related engineers, of course they will hire people with no experience.
That's why it is common for people with a liberal arts background to become IT engineers, and for people with a science background to apply for jobs such as accounting or sales and get hired.
This is why you need to promote yourself and what you did well in your school days when you are job hunting in Japan.
It is not enough to just say "I have certain skills and techniques that will be useful in a job like XX" because companies want to see how motivated you are, how willing you are to learn, how active you will be in the future, and your humanity.
That's why it's called potential hiring.
It may be difficult to explain, because it is not based on skills and techniques, but the advantage is that even if your skills are not as good as they could be, you can still make up for it with your motivation and enthusiasm.
The second characteristic of Japanese companies is "job rotation".
Job rotation means working in a variety of jobs in various departments.
In the hiring process for experienced job seekers, most of them are recruited for specific jobs such as accounting, designers, SE and medical office work.
However, in the case of "new graduates", most of them are hired as "career-track jobs".
This is a type of job that does various jobs in various departments, which may be unique to Japan.
Since foreign nationals are only allowed to work in jobs that match their visa requirements, it is difficult to call it a "general position" and it is likely to be a specific position. However, because of the Japanese concept of a "sogo shoku", it is also common for jobs to be classified into a variety of different types of work.
For example, even if there is a division between sales and marketing and office work, it may be possible for sales to prepare documents or for office work to contact customers on behalf of sales, depending on the situation.
Therefore, it is not acceptable to think that you can only do this job or that job because you are in a "XX" position.
Also, due to the concept of a career-track position, you may be given training in various departments during your first year of employment to learn various things. However, if there are not many foreign nationals in the company, there is a possibility that you will be considered to be working illegally if you don't explain this year's training properly at the time of application to Immigration Department, so be sure to confirm this with the company yourself.
The third characteristic of Japanese companies is the "seniority system".
In the olden days, it was not common in Japan for people to change jobs. Once a woman got married, it was common for her to leave the company for good, saying "kotobuki taisha".
Nowadays, however, women also work in various ways and continue to work even after they have children, and it has become common for people to change jobs for career advancement.
So it is true that this seniority system is fading nowadays.
The seniority hierarchy is a system in which your salary increases as your age increases.
In other words, even if you have not made much progress, when you reach a certain age, you will be given a position such as section head, manager, or general manager. And if you work there for a long time, you will naturally receive a large salary.
This is not a bad thing, but it makes you more loyal to the company and instills in you the idea that you should contribute to the company by achieving more.
Nowadays, however, this culture is becoming less and less common due to the above, but it's important to keep track of it, as this culture is still present, especially in large companies.
Lifetime employment is a system of hiring employees from the time they join the company until they reach retirement age. It is generally thought of as a system for full-time employees.
It is a characteristic of Japan that is considered in combination with the seniority-based system described in the previous section.
With the rise of the performance-based system, this lifetime employment system has been overshadowed by the fact that seniority-based positions and pay increases based on age are not so common nowadays. Nowadays, changing jobs is becoming more and more common.
You are guaranteed employment for life, and if you work for a large company, you can receive a decent retirement benefit and in some cases, a company pension. For this reason, most of people would have wanted to work for a major company.
Of course, even today there are many students who are looking for a job with the idea that they want to work for the company forever without changing jobs, and companies also want them to work for a long time and contribute to the company, so the reality is that the number of applications to large companies is not decreasing.